#NameSizeBloom TimeLightColor
76Bearded Iris camera.png (2)
Abandoned lot in Worcester
76Bearded Iris - Blue camera.png (2)
Came with house
76Bearded Iris - Lavender camera.png (2)
Abandoned lot in Worcester
76Bearded Iris - White and Purple
Came with house
76Bearded Iris - White with Purple camera.png (4)
From Mom from Bammie
White with Purple
76Bearded Iris - Yellow camera.png (4)
Came with house
76Bearded Iris - Yellow and Maroon camera.png (3)
Came with house
41Green Hosta camera.png
Came with house
106Peony-Flowering Tulip Mixture camera.png (3)
Tulipa double early
H: 18" - 20"
W: 3" - 6"
Early SpringFull Sun, Partial ShadeMixture of various colors
78Siberian Iris camera.png (8)
Iris x, Iris sibirica
H: 36" - 48"
W: 24" - 36"
Spring to summerFull Sun, Partial SunBlue, purple, white, yellow, pink, red
122Tulip camera.png (4)
Came with house
Early SpringFull SunRed
42Variegate Hosta camera.png
Came with house