
Hydrangea - Aug 9th, 2022  3:15 PM


Common NameHydrangea
FertilizerTypically hydrangeas thrive when fed an all-purpose, balanced fertilizer like a 10-10-10 N-P-K or 12-4-8 N-P-K. To increase the size and quantity of hydrangea blooms, consider a fertilizer with more phosphorus.

Phosphorus is the middle number, so a fertilizer labeled 10-20-10 will do. If exploring slow-release granular fertilizer, choose one that is labeled "bloom boost," which may also have a higher level of phosphorus.
In March, May, and July, lightly apply a fast-release fertilizer, spreading it around the drip line of the branches—not the base. Water well. When using a slow-release fertilizer, lightly cover it with soil to activate it. Sometimes fertilizer might not be necessary in the summer, since most hydrangeas bloom better when they are a little hungry for nutrients. If leaves begin to yellow and appear unhealthy, add a light dose of liquid iron twice a year or another fast-acting fertilizer to remedy the issue.

Hydrangeas benefit from applying fertilizer in mid-to-late spring and additional intervals recommended by the manufacturer of the fertilizer you choose to use. While the first set of flowers start to fade, apply the same slow-release bloom-boosting fertilizer used in spring. Time-release fertilizers usually need to be reapplied every three months. Other types typically need to be applied every one or two weeks. Then, in late winter, just before hydrangeas come back from dormancy, feed them another dose of an all-purpose fertilizer.