102 | 3 Months of Mixed Daffodils (3) | Narcissus | Left Front | |
97 | 'Afternoon Truffle' Daylily (2) | Hemerocallis 'Afternoon Truffle' | Left Side | |
74 | Alam Potschke New England Aster (3) | Aster novae-anglia 'Alma Potschke' | Left Rear | Yes |
T5 | American Rhododendron (4) | Rhododendron maximum L. | Trees and Shrubs | Yes |
T10 | Annabelle Hydrangea (4) | Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle' | Trees and Shrubs | Yes |
81 | Asiatic Lily | Asiatic Hybrid Lilies | Left Front | |
20 | Autumn Joy Stonecrop (4) | Hylotelephium telephium 'Herbstfreude' | Left Rear | |
108 | Balloon Flower 'Astra White' (4) | Platycodon grandifiorus 'Astra White' | Left Rear | |
31 | Balloon Flower 'Sentimental Blue' (4) | Platycodon grandifiorus 'Sentimental Blue' | Left Rear | |
76 | Bearded Iris (2) | Abandoned lot in Worcester | House Front | |
76 | Bearded Iris - Blue (2) | Came with house | House Front | |
76 | Bearded Iris - Lavender (2) | Abandoned lot in Worcester | House Front | |
76 | Bearded Iris - White and Purple | Came with house | House Front | |
76 | Bearded Iris - White with Purple (4) | From Mom from Bammie | House Front | |
76 | Bearded Iris - Yellow (4) | Came with house | House Front | |
76 | Bearded Iris - Yellow and Maroon (3) | Came with house | House Front | |
14 | Black Adder Anise Hyssop (4) | Agastache 'Black Adder' | Left Rear | Yes |
51 | Black Pearls Astilbe (3) | Astilbe chinensis 'Black Pearls' | Right Rear | |
T2 | Black Tupelo  | Nyssa sylvatica | Trees and Shrubs | Yes |
61 | Blackberry Lily (2) | Belemcanda chinensis | Left Side | |
92 | Blaze of Glory Hosta  | Liliaceae (E. Elslager) | House Back | |
87 | Bleeding Heart (3) | Lamprocapnos spectabilis | Left Front | |
86 | Bleeding Heart - White (2) | Lamprocapnos spectabilis 'Alba' | Left Front | |
85 | Bleeding Heart - Yellow Leaf  | Lamprocapnos spectabilis 'Gold Heart' | Left Front | |
72 | Bloody cranesbill (2) | Geranium sanguine L. | Left Rear | |
13 | Blue Fortune Anise Hyssop (7) | Agastache 'Blue Fortune' | Left Rear | Yes |
73 | Blue Indigo (2) | Baptisia australis | Left Rear | Yes |
37 | Blue Jacket Hyacinth  | Hyacinthus orientalis 'Blue Jacket' | Left Front | |
15 | Blue Jean Baby Russian Sage (2) | Perovskia atriplicifolia 'Blue Jean Baby' | Left Rear | |
88 | Blue Mouse Ears Hosta (2) | Plantain Lily 'Blue Mouse Ears' | Left Front | |
117 | Bluebird Smooth Aster  | Aster laevis 'Bluebird' | Left Rear | Yes |
52 | Bowl Brush Astilbe (2) | Astilbe arendsii 'Gloria' | Right Rear | |
37 | Carnegie Hyacinth  | Hyacinthus orientalis 'Carnegie' | Left Front | |
112 | Carolina Lupine (3) | Thermopsis caroliniana/vilosa | Left Rear | Yes |
18 | Catmint Walker's Low (4) | Nepeta faassenii 'Walker's Low' | Left Rear | |
37 | City of Haarlem Hyacinth  | Hyacinthus orientalis 'City of Haarlem' | Left Front | |
30 | Cranberry Lace Bee Balm (2) | Monarda didyma 'Cranberry Lace' | Left Rear | Yes |
123 | Cushion Spurge  | Euphorbia polychroma | Left Rear | |
99 | 'Denim 'n Lace' Russian Sage (2) | Perovskia atriplicifolia | Left Rear, Right Rear | |
53 | Deutschland Astilbe (3) | Astilbe japonica Deutschland | Right Rear | |
59 | Dolce 'Silver Gumdrop' Coral Bells (3) | Heuchera hybrid | Right Rear | |
56 | Dolce 'Wildberry' Coral Bells (2) | Heuchera hybrid | Right Rear | |
62 | Double Orange Daylily (3) | Hemerocallis fulva 'Kwanso' | Left Side | |
67 | 'Eye Caramba' Creeping Phlox  | Phlox subulata | Left Rear | Yes |
96 | Field Thistle (6) | Cirsium discolor | Left Rear, Behind the Fence | Yes |
23 | Fireball Bee Balm (4) | Monarda didyma 'Fireball' | Left Rear | Yes |
116 | First Snow Heath Aster  | Aster ericoides 'First Snow' | Left Rear | Yes |
37 | Fondant Hyacinth  | Hyacinthus orientalis 'Fondant' | Left Front | |
16 | Frankly Scarlet Coneflower (5) | Echinacea hybrid | Left Rear | |
107 | Fringed Bleeding Heart (2) | Dicentra eximia | Left Side | Yes |
6 | Garden View Scarlet Bee Balm (4) | Monarda 'Garden View Scarlet' | Left Rear | Yes |
91 | Gold Standard Hosta  | Hosta fortunei 'Gold Standard' | House Back | |
105 | Goldenrod  | Solidago | Right Rear | Yes |
21 | Goldsturm Black Eyed Susan (3) | Rudbeckia Fulgida | Left Rear | |
54 | Great Blue Lobelia (5) | Lobelia siphilitica Great Blue | Left Side | Yes |
41 | Green Hosta  | Came with house | House Front, Left Front, Right Front | |
3 | Hardy Hibiscus (2) | Hibiscus moscheutos L. | Left Rear | |
11 | Husker Red Penstemon (3) | Penstemon digitalis 'Husker Red' | Left Rear | Yes |
125 | Jack-in-the-pulpit | Arisaema triphyllum | Right Rear | Yes |
37 | Jan Bos Hyacinth  | Hyacinthus orientalis 'Jan Bos' | Left Front | |
38 | Juanita Daffodil  | Narcissus large-cupped 'Juanita' | Left Front | |
T8 | Karen Azalea (2) | Azalea x 'Karen' (Gable Hybrid) | Trees and Shrubs | |
27 | Kudos Gold Agastache  | Agastache Kudos Gold | Left Rear | Yes |
39 | Late spring flowering Daffodil mixture (4) | | Left Front, Right Front | |
50 | Lavender Astilbe (3) | Astilbe x arendsii 'Amethyst' | Right Rear | |
93 | Lemon Lily (2) | Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus L. | Left Side | |
114 | Lemon Lime Hosta (2) | Hybrid of H. nakaiana | House Back | |
T4 | Lilac (2) | Syringa vulgaris | Trees and Shrubs | |
110 | Lime Marmalade Coral Bells (3) | Heuchera 'Lime Marmalade | Right Rear | |
75 | Little Lanterns Dwarf Columbine (2) | Aquilegia canadensis 'Little Lanterns' | Left Rear | Yes |
46 | 'Little Vision in Pink' Chinese Astilbe  | Astilbe chinensis | Right Rear | |
47 | 'Milk and Honey' Chinese Astilbe (2) | Astilbe chinensis | Right Rear | |
44 | Montgomery Japanese Astilbe (3) | Astilbe hybrid | Right Rear | |
121 | Northeast Wildflower Seed Mix | | Behind the Fence | Yes * |
69 | 'Oakington Blue Eyes' Creeping Phlox  | Phlox subulata | Left Rear | Yes |
90 | Orange Daylily (3) | Hemerocallis fulva | Left Front, House Back | |
115 | Other Hosta  | | House Back | |
4 | Pearl Glam Beautyberry (4) | Callicarpa x | Trees and Shrubs | |
80 | Penstemon 'Blackbeard' (2) | Penstemon | Left Rear | |
106 | Peony-Flowering Tulip Mixture (3) | Tulipa double early | House Front | |
34 | Pink Drummond Carpet Phlox | Phlox subulata 'Drummond Pink' | Left Rear | Yes |
28 | Pink Evening Primrose (3) | Oenothera speciosa | Left Rear | |
55 | Primo 'Black Pearl' Coral Bells (2) | Heuchera hybrid | Right Rear | |
57 | Primo 'Peachberry Ice' Coral Bells  | Heuchera hybrid | Right Rear | |
58 | Primo 'Wild Rose' Coral Bells (2) | Heuchera hybrid | Right Rear | |
T11 | Pussy Willow | Salix spp. | Trees and Shrubs | Yes |
65 | Red Lilly (2) | Hemerocallis - From Grammy | Left Side | |
T3 | Red Maple | Acer rumbrum L. | Trees and Shrubs | Yes |
100 | 'Rheinland' Astilbe (3) | Astilbe japonica 'Rheinland' | Right Rear | |
49 | 'Rise and Shine' Astilbe (3) | Astilbe hybrid | Right Rear | |
26 | Rose Campion (5) | Lychnis coronaria | Left Rear | |
1 | Rose of Sharon (5) | Hibiscus syriacus L. | Trees and Shrubs | |
T7 | Ruby Slippers Dwarf Oakleaf Hydrangea (6) | Hydrangea quercifolia 'Ruby Slippers' | Trees and Shrubs | Yes |
2 | Rudbeckia Maxima (4) | Dumbo's Ears | Left Rear | |
66 | 'Running with Scissors' Creeping Phlox (2) | Phlox subulata | Left Rear | Yes |
10 | Russian Sage (3) | Perovskia atriplicifolia | Left Rear | |
78 | Siberian Iris (8) | Iris x, Iris sibirica | House Front, Left Side | |
63 | Snow Crocus (6) | Crocus chrysanthus | Left Front | |
T6 | Snowflake Oakleaf Hydrangea (2) | Hydrangea quercifolia 'Snowflake' | Trees and Shrubs | Yes |
9 | Stiff Goldenrod (3) | Solidago rigida | Left Rear | |
124 | Sundial Wild Lupine  | Lupinus perennis | Left Rear | Yes |
120 | Swamp Milkweed (4) | Asclepias incarnata | Behind the Fence | Yes |
101 | Sweet Autumn Clematis (2) | Clematis Paniculata | Left Front | |
36 | Sweet Woodruff (2) | Galium odoratum | Left Rear | |
17 | Threadleaf Coreopsis (3) | Coreopsis verticillata | Left Rear | |
104 | Tiger Lily | Lilium lancifolium | Left Front | |
122 | Tulip (4) | Came with house | House Front, Left Front | |
T1 | Tulip Tree | Liriodendron tulipifera | Trees and Shrubs | Yes |
95 | Unknown Coral Bells  | From Mom | Right Rear | |
42 | Variegate Hosta  | Came with house | House Front, Left Front, Right Front | |
48 | 'Vision in Red' Chinese Astilbe (4) | Astilbe chinensis | Right Rear | |
45 | 'Visions' Chinese Astilbe (2) | Astilbe chinensis | Right Rear | |
68 | White Creeping Phlox  | Phlox subulata | Left Rear | Yes |
118 | Wild Bergamont  | Monarda fistulosa | Left Rear | Yes |
111 | Witch's Moneybags  | Hylotelephium telephium (L.) H. Ohba | Left Rear | |
113 | Yellow Daylily (2) | Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus | Left Side | |
8 | Yellow Evening Primrose (4) | Oenothera biennis | Left Rear | |